How to maintain a high vibration through yoga in harmony with the Universe?
In today's world, maintaining a high vibration can be challenging, but for those of us who want to live in harmony with the universe, it is vital.
In the yogic tradition, we understand that energy flows where our attention goes, and raising our vibration is about maintaining a connection with the inner self, the universe, and the flow of life itself.
When our vibration is high, we are more attuned to the signals the universe is sending us, allowing us to navigate through life's challenges with grace, wisdom, and confidence.
What does it really mean to keep our vibration high?
Simply put, "high vibration" means a state where we feel in alignment with love, joy, gratitude, peace, and creativity. In contrast, a low vibration is often associated with fear, anger, sadness, or feelings of disconnection. Everything around us, including our thoughts and emotions, carries a certain vibration. As the famous yogi Paramahansa Yogananda once said: "Live each moment completely and the future will take care of itself. Fully enjoy the wonder and beauty of each moment."
When we maintain a high vibration, we live in a state of flow with the universe, and yoga becomes the perfect tool to keep us vibrating at that higher frequency. Let's explore how yoga can help you stay in tune with the higher plan of the universe.
The role of yoga in raising your vibration
Beyond the physical postures, yoga is a holistic practice that takes care of the mind, body, and spirit. By cultivating awareness through breathing practice (pranayama), mindfulness, and meditation, we can raise our vibration and listen more deeply to the messages the universe has for us.
1 Connect with the present moment through mindfulness: in our busy lives it is easy to lose touch with the present moment, but it is where all the wisdom and guidance from the universe is available. Yoga reminds us to be in the here and now through the practice of mindfulness. Whether you are holding the warrior pose, floating through vinyasa or simply sitting in meditation, the key is to cultivate presence.
Example from my life: I remember a time in my life when I was overwhelmed with career decisions. Every time I tried to get clarity, I felt more confused. Only when I deepened my mindfulness meditation practice did I realize that the answers were already within me. By staying present in each moment on my mat, I began to hear the universe guiding me to a different path that was more aligned with my soul's intention. Once I made this shift, everything began to flow effortlessly, as if the universe was opening doors for me.
Tip: The next time you are in a yoga pose, focus on your breath and the sensations in your body. When your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back. This simple exercise will help you clear your mind and tune in to the subtle signals of the universe.
2. Use pranayama to increase your energy: in yoga, pranayama (breath control) is a powerful tool for changing your vibration. Certain pranayama techniques, such as nadi shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) or kapalbhati (fire breathing), help clear energy blockages and bring balance to your mind and body.
Breath is not just oxygen - it is prana, or life energy. When we consciously control our breath, we can influence the state of our nervous system, calm the mind, and raise our energy to match the vibration of the universe.
Real-life example: Mahatma Gandhi was known to practice pranayama to maintain inner peace and high vibration even during political turmoil. He famously said, "I have so much to do today that I have to meditate for two hours instead of one hour." He always tried to make his meditation last as long as possible. This dedication to inner peace and breathwork allowed him to stay focused, calm, and in tune with the greater good.
Tip: Include 5 to 10 minutes of pranayama in your daily routine. Nadi Shodhana is especially beneficial when you feel off balance. It helps harmonize the left and right hemispheres of the brain and brings clarity and calm.
3. Trust the flow of the universe: The universe is constantly communicating with us, often through challenges or "tests" designed to lead us to a higher purpose. However, we often resist these challenges, leading to frustration or a sense of disconnection. Yoga teaches us to let go and trust the process - on and off the mat.
When you hold a difficult pose in yoga, the discomfort often tests your patience, resilience, and willingness to surrender. Similarly, in life, when we face difficulties, it is the universe that asks us to trust and flow with the natural rhythm of things.
An example from my practice: One of my students was going through a painful breakup and felt completely lost. Through consistent yoga practice, she learned to accept the discomfort of certain postures, and this reflected her emotional healing. She realized that the breakup was a blessing in disguise - a divine nudge from the universe that pushed her toward greater self-love and new opportunities.
Tip: When life presents challenges, approach them with a challenging yoga posture. Instead of getting defensive, breathe deeply, stay present, and trust that the universe is guiding you to your highest good.
Deep thoughts on vibrational harmony
Great thinkers and yogis have long understood the power of vibrational harmony. Rumi once said: "You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the whole ocean, in a drop." This profound insight reminds us that we are not separate from the universe, but are intimately connected to its rhythms, energies, and flow.
Similarly, Albert Einstein remarked: "Everything is energy, and that is all there is. Adjust to the frequency of the reality you want, and you can't help but get that reality."
In yoga, we train our body and mind to match this higher frequency, whether through physical practice, meditation, or spiritual exploration.
...and what are the practical steps to maintaining a high vibration?
- Set an intention (Sankalpa): Before each yoga practice, set an intention that resonates with the energy you want to cultivate. This small act can help align your mind with the energy you want to embody.
- Stay grounded in gratitude: Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations you can embody. Practice gratitude daily, either in a journal or as part of a meditation. It will open your heart and align you with the flow of abundance from the universe.
- Surround yourself with high-vibrational people: Just as yoga helps raise your energy, the people you surround yourself with also affect your vibration. Seek out people who inspire, uplift, and support you on your journey.
- Listen for subtle signs: The Universe often speaks in whispers. Pay attention to synchronicities, inner feelings, and recurring messages. The Universe guides you through them.
Yoga is a spiritual practice that helps us to maintain a high vibration and live in harmony with the universe.
By staying mindful, practicing pranayama, and trusting the flow, you align yourself with a higher frequency, allowing you to live a more fulfilled, joyful, and purposeful life.
Embrace yoga as a way of life, becoming more receptive to the signs, lessons, and opportunities the universe constantly offers you...
What do you perceive to be the differences between low and high vibrations in your life? Do you observe signs from the Universe in your favor?
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