What do we actually attract into our lives? How can we make our dreams and desires come true through yoga and make us happy? Connecting our practice to the law of attraction can awaken our minds and help us...
What do we actually attract into our lives? How can we make our dreams and desires come true through yoga and make us happy? Connecting our practice to the law of attraction can awaken our minds and help us...
How do we deal with our inner criticism and the pain that can be born in the form of a terrible demon that complicates our lives and the relationships around us? Learn the technique to humbly get rid of them...
The practice of yoga includes a proper theory that will inspire, move and educate you in life. I consider gaining information about yoga as part of the practice, which is why I have been inspired by spiritual authors...
What does abundance mean to you? Is it a set of assets that we possess or a description of the richness of our minds? A true yogi has a simple answer: we are ENOUGH, always and everywhere. Let's explain it together...
Some may find meditation a boring activity. Others cannot imagine a day without it. Why did people start practicing it so much? What's the point of sitting in silence with your eyes closed? Let me explain it further...
Did you know that trees have their own feast day? Why is there such an emphasis on connecting with nature and what can being surrounded by it do for us? A forest ritual or meditation in nature can be a game changer...
Do you take care of yourself in the wintertime? The season of cleansing rituals that can keep our immunity strong and our minds calm is approaching. I've listed a few tips for you...
What is the difference between low and high life vibration? And how does it relate to yoga? Through the universe we explore our lives and signs come our way that lead us to interesting experiences and emotions...
The use of this phrase is no accident. It has much to do with yoga, and it is not just the familiar tree position. It is a transformational process that helps us meet life's criteria that improve us!
There are many areas on my wish list that I desire to explore in terms of yogic research and connection. What makes the places chosen so unique and how can they move us spiritually? Here's some knowledge...
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