The body's chakras usually tell us what is happening to us in our daily lives. How do we stimulate them and what is the significance of a particular energy center for our practice?
The body's chakras usually tell us what is happening to us in our daily lives. How do we stimulate them and what is the significance of a particular energy center for our practice?
Stress and facial tension are familiar to most of us. Wrinkles appear and discomfort and skin imperfections arise. But there is one technique that can prevent the signs of time and improve our overall health...
I was very interested in this healing system and for a long time, I was wondering how it can be integrated into our everyday life to live a better and happier life. It was only with yoga that I understood what that is...
Yoga is all around us. Everyone does yoga - or do they? Why and how to start? If you're still thinking about it and want to convince yourself that it's a cure-all, then take a look at this how-to guide...
Is yoga only for women or also for men? Men nowadays practice yoga almost automatically and have a great interest and desire to change their lives and develop mentally. You will learn interesting information...
A day without work and responsibilities. Just rest, silence, and YOU! An indescribable experience that can have many benefits for your continued productivity, health, and vitality that we all crave. So why not do that?
Yoga has many faces. There are all kinds of opinions that do not reveal the real truth. I've put together a survey that will clarify a lot... Dive into the content that explains it all!
How do you know what you're good at, what you love, or what the world needs from you? What do you find through this idea in your life in connection with yoga? Discover the simple facts and tips...
What does abundance mean to you? Is it a set of assets that we possess or a description of the richness of our minds? A true yogi has a simple answer: we are ENOUGH, always and everywhere. Let's explain it together...
Stress, deadlines, difficult communication, and much more describe a corporate environment that is sometimes unbearable. But is there a way to perform your duties wisely and still maintain your inner peace?
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